TO: Citizens of Clay County
FROM: Dr. Rob Peck, Chairman
Clay County Board of Commissioners
DATE: Tuesday, March 24, 2020
SUBJECT: Declaration of Local State of Emergency
Effective, today, March 24, 2020 at 2:00 PM EST, a Local State of Emergency for Clay County, to include the Town of Hayesville, is officially declared on behalf of the Clay County Board of Commissioners. This order shall remain in effect until modified or rescinded.
This declaration should not be a cause for panic, rather recognized as a tool by which to help curb the cost associated with the implementation of Clay County’s Emergency Preparedness Plan in response to COVlD-19. This declaration will also allow Commissioners to seek additional resources should they become necessary during the course of this declaration, and institute additional preventative measures to protect health, life and property if needed. At this time there are no imposed restrictions and/or prohibitions as allowed under North Carolina General Statutes.
The Clay County Board of Commissioners, County Staff, Regional, State and Federal partners will continue to work together in the best interest of Clay County. The commissioners want to thank our team for their tireless work and effort in keeping our citizens safe.
While cases will increase with additional testing, an increase in new cases, even locally, should not lead to an increase in hysteria. We would ask for each of you to keep things in perspective relative to the facts. While there is an understandable amount of fear and frustrations, rest assured, your Board of Commissioners and County Staff are doing their best to serve you, our constituents. We would ask for your continued prayers for discernment as we navigate these uncertain times.
Dr. Rob Peck, Chairman
Clay County Board of Commissioners
Declaration of Local State of Emergency
Updated: Sep 26, 2022