Clay County Audited Financial Statements: June 30, 2021
Highlights Include:
The assets and deferred outflows of resources of Clay County exceeded its liabilities and deferred inflows of resources at the close of fiscal year by $21,909,107 (net position)
The government's total net position INCREASED by $1,291,871
Clay County's total debt outstanding DECREASED by $1,769,893 or 16.40%
At the end of FY ending June 30, 2021, Clay County's government funds reported combined ending fund balances of $8,389,270
At the end of FY 2021, unassigned fund balance for the General Fund was $5,187,955 or 25 percent of total general fund expenditures for the fiscal year.
Some of the items which have led to the increase in the counties net position were:
Management's PROACTIVE stance on monitoring spending across county departments to ensure budget compliance
Continued diligence in the collection of property taxes by maintaining a high collection percentage of nearly 98% with NO INCREASE IN NEW PROPERTY TAXES
Consolidation of departments and facilities to gain efficiencies and reduce cost of operation
Active and successful pursuit of grants for capital improvements and equipment to minimize local dollars.
This marks the fifth consecutive year that Clay County has operated on a SURPLUS. This is consistent with our goal of eliminating deficit spending, decreasing debt service, aggressively pursuing delinquent taxes, and smaller and more efficient government. The above results are a testament to the Clay County Board of Commissioner's and County Management's commitment to success. Together we will continue to ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability.