Building Permit Requirments
Residential building permit applications may be submitted during the hours of 8:00am to 9:00am and 1:00pm to 2:00pm at the Building Inspections Office. Before doing so, please review the following checklist of required information so that your permit approval will not be unnecessarily delayed.
If you are within the city limits or within the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the Town of Hayesville, you will need a valid zoning permit from that local authority. To contact the town of Hayesville, call: (828) 389-1862.
If your project is located within a designated FEMA flood zone (AE) then you will need to apply for a Floodplain Development Permit. You will also be required to submit a FEMA Elevation Certificate
One set of plans is required for permitting. Sealed plans are not required for most one and two family homes under 4,500 SqFt, detached, single story, residential storage buildings, garages, or similar unoccupied structures, built by conventional construction methods. Residential buildings exceeding 4,500 SqFt, Residential buildings with more than two separate living areas, manufactured metal buildings, log buildings, and post and beam buildings require design by a North Carolina licensed engineer or architect.
Plans that are required must be on a minimum 11X17 standard paper drawn to scale. A floor plan (with each room labeled as to use: i.e. bedroom, storage, bathroom – the label of “Bonus Room” or “Other” is not a use), foundation plan, and wall & roof section should, at minimum, be provided. If your project is an interior remodel or addition you normally will not need sealed plans. Plans may be submitted via e-mail in a PDF format.
If you are on a well and/or septic system, approvals required by Clay County Environmental Health Dept must be obtained prior to applying and submitted along with your Building Permit application. You may call the Health Dept. at (828) 389-8326 for further information.
Any new structure or addition outside of the footprint of the existing house near an existing septic system requires Clay County Environmental Health Dept. approval.
Please read each request for information carefully so that you can provide the correct information. This will help us to process your application accurately:
To submit a commercial permit application please follow all of the above guidelines with the following additional considerations:
All commercial plans must be accompanied by a completed 2012 North Carolina Building Code Checklist Appendix B. The NC Department of Insurance Webpage (Appendix B)
All commercial plans require design by a North Carolina licensed engineer or architect.
Once your plan is submitted and accepted it will be reviewed on a first-come-first-served basis. You will be called, faxed, or e-mailed (at your choice) to be notified when your permit is approved and ready for issuance. Missing or incomplete information or plans will result in a delay.